Hello Gorgeous Friends, I thought about writing a deep and meaningful blog post for year end...but then I changed my mind and thought, WHY?
1 of my fave scenes in Mary Poppins was when Julie Andrews and Dick Van Dyke sing "I love to laugh!"
And then I thought...I "Love to Laugh!" So this blog post is about LAUGHING, chuckling,chortling,giggling and smiling.
These following 2 comic strips just make me smile and laugh each time I see them. I actually keep them on my fridge,just for the purpose of laughing.
In addition to being funny, they also contain good gift giving advice, as well as the "magic" of a stationery store. (whether for magicians or others)
If you are looking for great gifts, that would make the Catwomen, Robins and Magicians in your world happy, then Shop HGBGA.com
Thank you for supporting my small business since 2014.
Thank you for being YOU!
Wishing You all the Laughter!