The Golden Rule.
Saw this ruler today and was reminded of my Mom who used to always remind me to "Remember the Golden Rule", which is, to "Treat Others...
The Golden Rule.
Thank You Gorgeous Friends!
Late night thoughts...
Summer,Creativity & Clouds
Behind the scenes...
A Wild Woman & the Wildlife. Oh,my.
Feels like summertime to me...
Taylor & Emily-Creative Cousins
I still watch Sesame Street.
The power of "THANK YOU"
Oh,the places I've been...
March is here.
Extrinsic Rewards:ie:Stickers
Emily Dickinson & Ice Fishing
January,Adulting,Inventory & Snow
New Year, New Words to Me.
November Nostalgia.
Greeting Cards Make Me Happy.
Recess. Bubbles. Glitter.
Nice People Who Make Cool Stuff