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We have more things that are under $20, but these are our top picks!
SheWolf Designs-"Secret Society of Badass Bitches"enamel pin
Gilmore and Friends-"To Do List-I hope it's not a long list"
Gilmore and Friends-"Hang in There,You're Almost Done"
Soap & Paper Factory-Vanilla Fleur Candle
Soap & Paper Factory-"North Shore" Candle
Soap & Paper Factory-"Sun Kissed" Candle
LA Trading Company- "I'm the Boss" onesie
Persistent Sisters-Marie Maynard Daly-Card
Berkshire Candle-Skull Candle in Butterscotch & Bourbon
Berkshire Candle-Skull Candle-Autumn in the Berkshires-fragrance
Little Feet's Opus-Mermaid Pouch
Made by Sarah Rose-"Peeking Peony Pouch" #2
Made by Sarah Rose-Flower Pouch-Pink Flowers & Greenery
Made by Sarah Rose-Abstract Light Purple Zipper Pouch
Made by Sarah Rose-Abstract Pouch w/Dk purple Zipper
Made by Sarah Rose-Abstract Pouch #3 w/Light Blue Zipper
Made by Sarah Rose-Cape Cod Pouch
Made by Sarah Rose-Floral Pouch, peach zip, cottage core interior
Made by Sarah Rose-Floral Pouch w/Peach Zipper-Sun inside
Made by Sarah Rose-Floral Pouch w/Peach Zip & mushroom interior